Dr. Aprile Andelle here... psychotherapist, mental health coach, joy enthusiast and fellow human. I'm a professional therapist and STILL have my personal bouts and battles with depression. But I overcome! This is my personal everyday KDA checklist I use to keep my depression at bay. I use it when I'm up, when I'm down, when I am in moments of depression... but also when I'm well and good too. Because it's about consistent , ongoing effort. Take it! Use it for your own mental health and wellness every day>week>month.

If you suffer or are suffering depression, or know depression is your mental health sensitivity, this is for you.

Join me!

In overcoming and keeping depression away with simple, intentional steps you can do every day, delivered right to your inbox.

"Despite many changes in my life, plus all the ups and downs of COVID and 2020, my last major depression was over 3 years ago! Here's how I keep it at bay." - Dr. Aprile Andelle

Feeling the seemingly endless sadness or loss of interest in everyday things, plus changes in mood, sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behavior, and self-esteem, can be soul draining and exhausting.

But don't forget depression is 100% treatable, and it starts with you. My hope is my KDS Checklist will remind you of what you can do, even now, to keep you consistently practicing intentional everyday effort to climb out of your depression and stay well long-term.

Print it out and get to work. You can and will overcome.

Learn My Personal Strategy I Use to
Keep Depression Away

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